法国服饰品牌anne fontaine(安纺谭)品牌详细介绍资料 -尊龙z6官网

2021-07-08 20:10:46

the designer


anne fontaine was born in 1971 to a brazilian mother and a franco- german father in rio de janeiro. passionate about ecology, she left home at the age of 17 to live with an indigenous tribe for six months in the amazon forest located in the north-east of brazil. while there, she received the secrets of nature that have been passed down from generation to generation.

1971年,anne fontaine(安纺谭)出生于里约热内卢,母亲有着巴西血统,父亲是法德裔。anne fontaine女士从小就对大自然充满着好奇和热情,17岁那年便离开家乡,在巴西东北部的亚马逊森林与一个土著部落一起度过了6个月。在那里,她领会到了大自然代代相传的诸多奥秘。

it was at this point that her true passion for the environment was born.


at the age of 20, she moved to france in the footsteps of her father’s origins, while continuing her environmental work by devoting herself to the defense of whales.


her destiny is shattered by an encounter with her future husband ari, whose family owned a renowned shirt making business. one day he showed anne his grandmother’s chest overflowing with white shirts.


instinctive in nature with a love for fashion, she is immediately inspired and takes the daring challenge to create a universe around the white shirt. as a result, they both decided to take over the family business. the maison anne fontaine was born.

天生拥有极高时尚敏锐度的anne灵感乍现,开始大胆挑战白衬衫领域,打造独一无二的白色天地。随后,夫妇二人决定接管家族企业,anne fontaine同名家族品牌自此诞生。

the dna of the maison anne fontaine is therefore obvious - the chemise blanche, around which and over the years, anne fontaine will develop a strong creative universe and a complete collection with identifiable style that has been renewed each season for more than twenty years.

白衬衫是anne fontaine品牌的dna。品牌创立20多年来,年复一年坚持创新,每一季都推出了具有独特鲜明风格的完整系列。

always involved in environmental causes and in parallel of its commercial activities, anne fontaine is committed to ecological causes in particular through the protection of the brazilian forest mata atlântica with the creation of the anne fontaine foundation in october 2011 in new york.

anne fontaine品牌在发展事业的同时,亦始终不忘环境保护的重要责任,一直践行着环保相关工作。anne于2011年10月在纽约创立了anne fontaine基金会,致力于保护位于巴西大西洋沿岸的mata atlantica森林。


la maison


anne fontaine is a maison of ready-to-wear and luxury women’s accessories essentially known for its white blouses. over the years, anne fontaine has imposed the white shirt as an essential part of the feminine wardrobe and has imagined an entire collection around this iconic piece.

anne fontaine是以白衬衫闻名的女性高级成衣和奢华配件世家。多年来,品牌创始人anne一直将白衬衫作为女性衣柜的重要组成部分,并围绕这件标志性单品设计出一整套系列。

in 2004, the maison launched its first line of accessories for women including jewelry, leather goods and cufflinks, followed two years later by the creation of removable collars presented in a gallery as works of art.


in 2008, anne fontaine launched its les précieuses line, an exclusive limited edition collection.

2008年,anne fontaine品牌推出了限量珍藏版——les précieuses(奢华系列)。

in 2016, anne fontaine created the line af casual, an easy wear collection bypassing the creative codes准则 of the maison while highlighting its environmental commitment.

2016年,anne fontaine品牌创立了af casual(休闲系列)——一个不同于品牌创作的一贯风格,但传递着环境保护理念的系列。

the headquarters and creative studios are located in honfleur in normandy. the company has an annual turnover of approximately

$60 million.


the distribution network


after the opening of the first point-of-sale in 1994 in the district of saint-germain-des-prés in paris, the house quickly developed.

1994年,品牌在巴黎 saint-germain-des-pres(圣日耳曼区)开了第一家零售店,随后迅速发展壮大。

the maison now owns more than fifty boutiques around the world including sixty multi-brand outlets and a global website, annefontaine.com.


la maison is present on three continents with twenty-five boutiques in the united states, twenty-five boutiques in europe and several boutiques in asia.



fundamental values




the maison anne fontaine was created in 1994 from the meeting of anne and her husband, ari. it is a true story of love and family.

1994年创立的anne fontaine品牌缘起anne和她丈夫ari的相遇。这是一个关于爱与家庭的真实故事。



the maison is deeply linked to the passion of its creations through the quality, details, and the defense of french craftsmanship and artisanship.


the know-how:


the maison anne fontaine is known for its expert craftsmanship and the quality of its creations. the anne fontaine style is rich in embroidery, lace, ruffles, jabots, and plays of transparency.

anne fontaine品牌以其精湛的工艺和高质量的创作而闻名,刺绣、蕾丝、荷叶边、胸部装饰,以及若隐若现透明度的运用展现出丰富多样的风格。

all of its models are developed in her workshop in honfleur, using the technique of molding that is commonly used in haute couture.


social responsibility:


anne fontaine is a designer that is not only passionate about nature but also very committed to its causes. as a result, she created the anne fontaine foundation in 2011.

anne是一名热爱自然并积极投身环保事业的设计师。她于2011年创立了 anne fontaine foundation。

the french elegance:


for anne fontaine, french elegance is embodied by chic and romantic women who assume their independence. they enjoy going out, are interested in art, travel globally and have a social and environmental conscience.


the anne fontaine woman embraces the fashion codes of the moment without being trendy. whether the style is masculine/feminine or feminine/sophisticated, it is affirmed down to the last detail.

anne fontaine女性拥护当下的时尚准则,但又不随波逐流。无论风格是中性化的/女性化的,或者是娇柔的/稳练的,都将被维持到最后的细微末节。

anne fontaine的女性可以接受当下的时尚趋势,但并不随波浊流。无论是中性风格,还是更为精致的女性化风格,每一个细微末节都会被仔细考虑和确认。

the playful and versatile character of anne fontaine’s models allows one to create their own individual style. the anne fontaine look is timeless and her creations accompany the customer for a long time.

正因为anne fontaine品牌的各种款式拥有很强的可塑性,每个人都能打造出独特的专属风格。anne fontaine品牌的款式不受时代变迁的影响,能长久陪伴它的主顾,历久弥新。


the inspiration


anne fontaine is very cosmopolitan and draws inspiration from traditions, culture, history, femininity, architecture, her family and life in general.

anne fontaine品牌属性十分国际化,包容并举,从传统、文化、历史、女性特质、建筑、家庭和生活中汲取创作灵感。

nostalgic of the 1940s and 1950s and the beauty of women of that time (marlene dietrich, audrey hepburn, greta garbo, etc.), anne fontaine attaches great importance and inspiration to that cinematic era. her first iconic scarlet handbag is inspired by the famous character, scarlett o’hara in the movie gone with the wind.

出于对20世纪四五十年代女性之美的欣赏,如 marlene dietrich(玛琳•黛德丽)、 audrey hepburn(奥黛丽•赫本)、 greta garbo (葛丽泰•嘉宝),亦受那个电影年代的启发,anne的诸多灵感皆由此而生。她创作的第一款标志性手袋scarlet,就是受到电影《乱世佳人》中的著名角色scarlett o’hara(斯嘉丽•奥哈拉)的影响。

moreover, her grandmother also exerted great influence on her creations. her sense of elegance was very spontaneous and her style impeccable.


for anne fontaine, fashion is above all a matter of style, harmony and natural elegance.

对anne fontaine品牌而言,时尚即风格、和谐与自然优雅的结合。


the collections


ready to wear:


since 1993, anne fontaine has reinvented her signature white shirt every season.

自1993年以来, anne fontaine品牌每一季都会重新设计其标志性的白衬衫。

the house particularly favors the use of pima cotton grown in peru which offers optimum comfort and calais laces with inimitable finesse and silk crepes from china.


today, anne fontaine offers complete silhouettes with multiple combinations, mainly composed of black and white colors synonymous with timeless chic.




the precious line represents the expert craftsmanship of the house and the unmatched quality of its products.


smart and formal jackets, dresses and blouses rely on the use of noble materials such as leather, silk, organza that appeals to ancestral techniques.



anne fontaine casual


anne fontaine casual is an easy wear collection composed of both elegance and relaxation; perfect for the everyday woman. a collection in the air of time with beautiful pieces to wear; which incorporate style and sophistication- that which have made the house famous for more than 20 years.

anne fountaine casual(休闲系列)是一个适合每位女性日常穿着,集优雅与舒适于一身的休闲系列。该系列结合了时尚、干练、精致的现代风格,使品牌闻名20多年。

the anne fontaine casual collection takes inspiration from the active lifestyle of women to comprise of the essentials of an active and comfortable wardrobe. similar to anne’s lifestyle, the collection is suitable for the multiple rhythms of a modern woman- who works, travels, discovers, and wanders from one continent to the next, all while looking effortlessly chic.

anne fountaine casual(休闲系列)从现代独立女性的生活方式中汲取灵感——满足工作需要的同时又有较强的舒适度。与anne自己的生活方式类似,该系列适合现代女性的多重节奏——她工作、旅行、探索发现,并在各大洲间穿梭,却时刻保持着时髦与优雅。

the collection includes: t-shirts, organic cotton, comfortable jerseys, refined detailed leggings and coordinating jackets. the pieces allow you to style effortlessly while traveling or mixing with the main anne fontaine collection for a chic and comfortable look.


这些都可以让您与anne fontaine品牌的主线系列轻松搭配出时髦又舒适的造型。

“as an active woman often present on the 3 continents, i always had the concern for my creations to combine comfort and elegance. anne fontaine casual is the culmination of this philosophy”

——anne fontaine


尤为重要。anne fontaine casual(休闲系列)是这一理念的巅峰之作。”

————anne fontaine




the white shirt:


the white shirt is like a blank page that can be rewritten infinitely. to make the dna of the house come alive, anne knew how to innovate and develop techniques of making and creating her visions.


the details that decorate her shirts over the seasons are numerous. some examples include:


the vertige is a type of ruchés that decorated the corsets of women of the xviiième century and whose simple evocation turned the heads of the gentlemen of the time.

在18世纪,the vertige是一种用来装饰女性束身衣的褶裥饰边,这种简单的装饰使当时的绅士们为之神魂颠倒。

the vesuvius collar takes its name from the famous volcano. its form springs like a volcano and gives birth to the collar.

the vesuvius collar命名来自于意大利著名的维苏威火山。它的创意即模仿喷发的火山的形状。

it is a signature colt of anne fontaine reinvented every season.

它是anne fontaine每一季都会不断重塑的代表性单品。

the claudine collar brings a feminine and retro touch to the white shirts due to its round shape.

the claudine collar的圆弧线条与白衬衫碰撞带来柔美和复古。

the officer collar is a small straight collar without a flap.

the officer collar(军官领)是一种没有翻折的小立领。

the cufflinks:


cufflinks first appeared in europe in the 17th century but were only worn

by men. anne fontaine decided to make it a feminine accessory as a sign of elegance and sophistication. anne fontaine offers a very wide range of cufflinks to pair with her shirts for endless style possibilities.

当袖扣第一次出现在17世纪的欧洲时,它只是男性专属。而anne fontaine品牌决定颠覆这一传统,将它改造成为女性优雅和成熟象征的配饰,并提供种类繁多的袖扣用以搭配她们的衬衫,创造变化无穷的风格。

the most emblematic cuffs of the house to decorate with cufflinks are the musketeer wrist and the swallow wrist.

anne fontaine品牌最具代表性的,搭配装饰袖扣的袖口是musketeer wrist(火枪手袖口)和swallow wrist (燕子袖口)。


the collars


for years, the collar has accompanied the iconic anne fontaine white shirt.

多年来,装饰领一直伴随着anne fontaine品牌标志性的白衬衫。

to date, anne fontaine has created more than 3,000 unique collars, each with different details, some of which are genuine works of art.


the maison has managed to make the collar a must-have accessory.


to celebrate its 20 year anniversary, anne fontaine designed a white shirt model with several removable collars to embody the evolution of the brand. following the success of the first edition, it re-issues this model every season.


lace and embroidery:


recognized for the meticulousness and delicate details of her creations, anne fontaine draws her inspiration from an archive derived from her global travels.


it also offers many pieces made from the lace of calais.


the yin and yang:


drawing inspiration from the yin and yang, with opposites that are interconnected, contrasting black and white gives versatility and timelessness to the anne fontaine collections. the anne fontaine woman can play with each piece, with an easy transition from day to night, according to her style and mood.

从中国古代群经之首《易经》太极图的阴和阳中汲取灵感,运用相互对立又依存的意涵,通过黑白色的鲜明对比来赋予品牌系列的永恒经典和多变性。让anne fontaine女性根据自己的风格和心情,尽情玩搭每一件作品,自由转换于白昼和黑夜之间。


the flowers


with an unconditional love of nature, anne fontaine loves to play with the curves of plant and floral motifs. its commitment to the environment is reflected every season in its collections. today, flowers are the identifiable motif of the house.


the leather:


anne likes to use leather in her collections, whether for ready-to- wear or accessories.


she uses different techniques to embellish leather through embossing, embroidery, and laser cutting. she does not hesitate to interplay with different leathers of varnish, suede and effects of matter.


les iconiques


25 year anniversary collection:


in celebration of this milestone, anne fontaine has created a capsule collection featuring limited edition pieces which have been hand-selected from the archives of la maison.


each piece has been chosen as a representation of classic femininity int the modern day age and displays the artinsanship, elegnace, and dedication - all core to the dna of anne fontaine.

每一件被选的作品都代表当今时代女性的气质,完美诠释anne fontaine品牌的dna:精湛的传统工艺、现代优雅风格和精益求进的匠心精神。

this curated collection is a dedication to all modern women who inspire.



the foundation


in 2011, anne fontaine created the anne fontaine foundation. based

in new york, this non-governmental organization aims to protect endangered forests and support reforestation programs in the brazilian atlantic forest, better known as mata atlântica.

2011年, anne fontaine创立了anne fontaine基金会。该非政府组织性质的基金会总部设在纽约,旨在保护濒临灭绝的森林,并支持巴西mata atlântica大西洋热带雨林的重新造林计划。

through art and fashion, the foundation raises awareness by organizing artistic initiatives and events with participating sculptors, painters and photographers.


the foundation selects concrete projects implemented by local ngos and develops partnerships with these organizations to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of its programs.


since 2012, the foundation has supported three brazilian ngos and allowed the planting of more than 40,000 trees in the states of bahia, pernambuc and minas gérais.


the foundation involves local residents in replanting and providing

environmental education. in particular, it undertakes educational activities

for children’s schooling in favelas in rio de janeiro and salvador de bahia by organizing artistic contests in schools and other artistic events (workshops, drawings, paintings, etc) to raise young people’s awareness of environmental problems.


the foundation organizes an annual forest day at anne fontaine boutiques worldwide where 50% of the profits go to the foundation and its struggle for reforestation.

基金会每年会在全球各地的anne fontaine精品店举办森林日活动,50%的利润将捐赠给基金会,继续重新造林的事业。

since 2013, the anne fontaine foundation has organized a photo exhibition called objectif arbres, to raise public awareness of environmental issues and raise funds for reforestation projects in mata atlântica whereby 35 international photographers offer a photo inspired by trees of which the foundation then organizes an auction.

自2013年以来, anne fontaine基金会举办了一场名为objectif arbres的摄影展,旨在提高公众对环境问题的认识。基金会还组织了一场由35名国际摄影师参与的以树木为灵感的照片拍卖会,为mata atlântica的植树造林项目筹集资金。

anne fontaine has also created a line of products that includes tote bags and bracelets made from the most environmentally friendly materials possible with all profits generated going to the foundation.

anne fontaine品牌也创造了用最环保材料制成的手提袋和手镯的系列产品,所得利润归基金会所有。
